What is Scoliosis?
- Scoliosis is a 3-dimensional abnormality of the spine that affects approximately 3% of the population.
- When someone has scoliosis, instead of the spine being in the middle of the back, the spine moves away from midline creating either an “S” or a “C” shape.
- This can create uneven shoulders, ribs that are more prominent on one side, or an uneven pelvis.
What is Schroth Method?
- Schroth Method is an exercise-based method of treatment used for people with Kyphosis or Scoliosis. The goals of treatment may include:
- Stopping or slowing down curve progression or sometimes partially correcting it
- Improve posture
- Decrease pain
- Improve breathing capacity
- Improve effectiveness of the brace
- Prevent or delay surgery
- Improve quality of life
What should I expect at my Initial Assessment?
What should I expect at my follow-up appointments?
- The appointments are generally 60 minutes spent directly with your Schroth Therapist.
- Depending on your treatment plan and goals, these appointments may include: Schroth exercises, further education, and manual therapy (hands on care).
- Generally, it takes 6-8 sessions to learn the exercises/corrections.
- The expectation is that these exercises will be applied through a home exercise program, as well as in everyday activities.
- Commitment and motivation are required in order to see success and long-term postural changes.
- Depending on the type of scoliosis and age of the patient, therapy can be expected to be months, to years, to lifelong.